Revenue Coin - Issue a program that you deserve
Why is it worth buying Revenue Coin?

New investors are entering the crypto market, trading on exchanges, raw materials, or currencies. Automatic systems and robots, which were once restricted to the most significant funds and financial institutions, are becoming widespread. They are used for advanced analytics tools and transaction platforms. Platforms installed on computers are replaced by website platforms on which trade can take place via any device. The process of asset tokenization will make it possible to trade and invest in multiple projects, properties, and objects. Decentralized exchanges and software that facilitate trade and investments will grow in power. The providers of unique technologies will focus on customer service, leaving the trade process to exchanges. This course of action is now standard in the capital market. The exchanges focus on market organization and brokerage houses on customer service and providing clients with appropriate tools. Cryptocurrency exchanges see opportunities in cooperating with intermediaries and technology providers. The vast majority of exchanges offer API systems enabling the integration of external software and bonus systems (ref links) for partners dealing with customer acquisition and service. These are the very mechanisms that use RevCoin to increase its value. Financial support for projects generating revenue from the ever-growing crypto market translates into growing revenue and growing amounts earmarked for improving the value of RevCoin.
Revenue Coin is a deflationary token. The pool of RevCoins available on the market decreases over time. Revenue Coin has a permanent coin pool included in the smart contract mechanism and a monthly quantity reduction model. A cryptocurrency with a mechanism similar to RevCoin is Binance (BNB). Each burning of BNB involves an abrupt increase in its value on the exchange. The gradual, permanent decrease in RevCoin’s pool (exponentially) allows us to estimate RevCoin’s future pool accurately.
The token’s value is steadily increasing because every month, 10% of the revenue of each portfolio company is allocated to the buyout of Revenue Coins available on the public market. Subsequently, 50% of RevCoins bought out are destroyed (burnt), with the remaining 50% going to Revenue Capital LLC’s fund for future investments in subsequent companies, which will allocate their revenues to increase RevCoin’s value. Coin burning consists of removing units of token from circulation irrevocably, i.e., reducing their total supply. In this way, companies forming part of the Revenue Capital LLC business accelerator
secure the financing of the buyout of tokens burnt. Despite this, rest assured that you can sell and buy RevCoin at any time. Therefore, you can buy any amount of RevCoins at any moment if you believe that their value will increase in the future. You can also assume that at a distinct moment every day, the market will demand a certain quantity of RevCoins, which guarantees you the possibility of selling them at any time. The liquidity of Revenue Coin, i.e., the possibility of exchanging it with other assets, will be secured by listing RevCoin on both centralized and decentralized exchanges (DeFi). Everyone who subscribes to tokens at Initial Coin Offer (ICO) will be able to put them into circulation. RevCoin is assumed to be fully exchangeable for crypto-assets and traditional currencies (fiat money) available on exchanges. You can increase the pool of your RevCoins at any time. You receive a tool for depositing your assets systematically, e.g., you can invest part of your salary or other types of revenue in RevCoin.
To sum up, you can assume that a certain number of tokens will disappear from the market at a certain point in time (on each specific day of the month), which will bring about an increase in the value of RevCoins that are still available on the market. You undoubtedly have an opportunity to plan your investment strategy towards RevCoin. It is worth buying it as early as possible and holding it. In addition, to secure your investment and RevCoin price, the following liquidity mechanisms were introduced:
• major investors and team members are obliged to keep the RevCoin pool for several years from the acquisition of tokens
• Revenue Capital will allocate 5% of tokens and 5% of funds obtained from the sale of tokens to secure the liquidity of tokens on centralized and decentralized exchanges.
Therefore, you can be confident that the exchange rate and RevCoin value will remain stable because the creators and stakeholders care about it. What you get is a mechanism that counteracts potential decreases in the value of your investment. This gives a sense of clarity and security as to the RevCoin forecast valuation.
II. Token economics
Revenue Coin (RevCoin) is a revenue token. The settlement between the enterprise
– the issuer of tokens — takes place by buying and burning tokens. This directly drives the increase in the value of other RevCoins. This is similar to the mentioned above share buyback mechanism, where the decreasing number of shares increases the price.
Cryptocurrency exchanges are at the beginning of dynamic growth. The daily trading volume of cryptocurrencies exceeded USD 200 billion in 2021! This is an increase of over 200% per year on average over the last two years.
Figure 7. Daily trading on cryptocurrency exchanges. The average annual growth over the last two years is over

Key Persons
The Revenue project team is an international group of experienced experts specialising in investments and technologies. The team has unique potential in its unique practical experience and, above all, its practices and successes in implementing projects related to finance, venture capital, blockchain technology, automatic services, robo advisory, algorithmic transactions, robotics, cross-market equity and crypto market.
Jarek Białek
Jarek has 15 years of experience building start-up communities and accelerator projects, including accelerators of blockchain projects. He is an MSc graduate of Technical University of Gdańsk and EMBA graduate of Aalto University, School of Business. Jarek holds also the position of the CEO of SkyRocket.
Piotr Piasecki
Piotr graduated from Nottingham Trent University (MBA), the Wrocław University of Technology and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. He has extensive international experience in managing companies as an CEO both in Poland and the United Kingdom. He was committed to international investment projects from many industries, including finance and real estate. He is specialised in marketing and sales.
Adam Cukrowski
Crypto market expert and advisor in multiply ICO projects, specialising in the areas of tokenomics and liquidity mechanisms. Founder and partner at SkyRocket.
Kuba Korecki
Kuba is a creative Front-end Developer with more than nine years of experience in using Java and JavaScript to build responsive websites, mobile applications and various interactive functions. He is a co-founder of Exeria.
Eduardo Gamarci
15+ year-experience as a professional trader working for proprietary trading firms. Involved in developing algorithmic trading tools and software for the Equity, Option and Cryptocurrency markets.
Paweł Doległo
With more than 5 years in the industry Pawel brings with him an extensive network of large exchanges, private investors, VC’s, crypto media, marketing agencies, and market makers.
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BTT Username: lucintaa
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